Is Protein in Your Urine a Bad Sign? 15 Facts You Need to Know

13. Stress and Proteinuria: The Mind-Body Connection

Stress and Proteinuria The Mind-Body Connection

Stress—our age-old adversary—has a more direct influence on our body than we’d like to admit. Believe it or not, psychological stress can also manifest itself in ways that affect our renal system, including causing or exacerbating proteinuria.

Firstly, how does stress tie into this? Well, cortisol, the “stress hormone,” has a subtle yet significant role to play. High levels of cortisol have been shown to increase glomerular filtration rates. This can potentially lead to proteinuria, adding a new layer of complexity to our understanding of stress and bodily functions.

Then there’s the ‘fight or flight’ response. When you’re under stress, the body prepares to either tackle the problem or escape it. This ancient mechanism can result in a host of physiological changes, including—yes, you guessed it—alterations in kidney function.

You may wonder if tackling stress could be a way to manage proteinuria. While stress management alone won’t solve the issue, a holistic approach that includes mental well-being could be beneficial. It’s a missing piece of the puzzle that is slowly gaining recognition. (13)

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