Ischemic Colitis: Decoding the 10 Telltale Symptoms and Understanding the Condition

Symptom 2: Urgency to Defecate

Urgency to Defecate

An increased urgency to defecate is another common symptom of ischemic colitis. This urgency is often accompanied by the feeling of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement, leaving the patient feeling like they need to go again even though they’ve just been to the bathroom.

The urgency to defecate is a result of the inflammation and injury to the colon’s lining, causing increased sensitivity and irritability. This can lead to the colon contracting more frequently and forcefully, giving the sensation of needing to empty the bowel even when it’s not full.

In some instances, this urgency to defecate can be severe and may interfere with daily activities or sleep. It’s essential to recognize this symptom and seek medical attention if it becomes persistent or debilitating. Proper management of ischemic colitis may help alleviate this uncomfortable symptom and improve the patient’s quality of life. (2)

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