10. Changes in Blood Pressure: The Fluctuating Sign of Kidney Dysfunction

Changes in blood pressure can be a fluctuating sign of kidney dysfunction in individuals with AKI. The kidneys play a critical role in regulating blood pressure by controlling fluid balance and producing hormones that influence blood vessel constriction.
When kidney function is impaired, blood pressure can become unstable, resulting in either high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension). It’s essential to monitor your blood pressure regularly and discuss any significant fluctuations with your healthcare provider, as they could be indicative of AKI or another underlying condition.
Treatment for blood pressure changes in AKI patients will focus on addressing the underlying cause of the kidney dysfunction and implementing lifestyle changes or medications as necessary to maintain stable blood pressure levels. In some cases, additional therapies may be required to manage complications related to blood pressure fluctuations. (10)