Symptom 8. Easy Bruising and Bleeding

Easy bruising and bleeding are common early symptoms of liver cirrhosis, as the liver plays a crucial role in producing clotting factors necessary for blood coagulation. When liver function is compromised, the production of these clotting factors may be reduced, leading to an increased tendency to bruise or bleed easily.
Individuals with liver cirrhosis may notice that they bruise more easily than before, or that minor cuts or scrapes take longer to heal. In more severe cases, they may experience nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or even internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening.
If you’re experiencing easy bruising or bleeding, especially in conjunction with other early signs of liver cirrhosis, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and appropriate treatment. Addressing the underlying cause of liver cirrhosis and managing symptoms like anemia can help improve coagulation and overall well-being.
Your healthcare provider may recommend specific dietary changes, such as increasing your intake of vitamin K-rich foods, which can help support blood clotting. Additionally, certain medications may be prescribed to help improve clotting factor production or manage bleeding complications. (8)