10 Telltale Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Infection in Women

Sign 4: Frequent and Painful Urination

Frequent and Painful Urination

Another significant sign of a kidney infection in women is frequent and painful urination. You may experience a constant urge to urinate, even when your bladder is not full. This sensation can be accompanied by a burning or stinging pain during urination, which can be quite distressing.

The frequent need to urinate can be caused by inflammation and irritation of the bladder and urethra. Painful urination, also known as dysuria, occurs when the infection spreads to the lower urinary tract. It is crucial to monitor these symptoms and seek medical attention, as untreated kidney infections can lead to more severe complications, such as kidney damage or sepsis.

Keep in mind that other conditions, such as bladder infections or interstitial cystitis, can also cause frequent and painful urination. A healthcare professional can help determine the cause of these symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options. (4)

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