10 Types of Kidney Stones: All You Need to Know

Variety 10: Indinavir Stones

Indinavir Stones

The Connection Between HIV Treatment and Kidney Stones

Indinavir stones are a type of kidney stone that can form as a side effect of the HIV medication indinavir. These stones are composed of indinavir crystals and can cause pain, urinary tract infections, and other complications. Indinavir stones are relatively rare but can be a significant concern for individuals taking this medication.

Preventing indinavir stones involves working closely with your healthcare provider to manage your HIV treatment regimen. If you are at risk of developing indinavir stones, your healthcare provider may recommend adjusting your indinavir dosage, prescribing alternative HIV medications, or implementing additional strategies to reduce the risk of stone formation.

Staying well-hydrated is crucial for individuals taking indinavir, as this can help dilute the concentration of the medication in the urine and reduce the likelihood of stone formation. Regular check-ups and diagnostic tests can help detect indinavir stones early, allowing for prompt treatment and prevention of complications.

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