10 Warning Signs You May Have Kidney Failure: Recognize the Symptoms Early and Take Control of Your Health

4. Changes in Urination: A Clue to Kidney Function Problems

Changes in Urination- A Clue to Kidney Function Problems

One of the most noticeable warning signs of kidney failure is a change in urination patterns. These changes can manifest in various ways, such as increased frequency, decreased volume, or the presence of blood in the urine.

If you notice that you’re urinating more frequently, especially at night, it could be a sign that your kidneys are struggling to filter waste and excess fluids properly. Conversely, if you’re producing less urine than usual, it may indicate that your kidneys aren’t removing waste as effectively as they should be. (4)

Blood in the urine, also known as hematuria, is another warning sign of kidney issues. Although there could be other causes for hematuria, such as urinary tract infections or kidney stones, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider to rule out kidney failure as the underlying cause.

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