20 Foods to Avoid with Kidney Disease: Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

2. Red Meat: Limit Your Protein Intake for Optimal Kidney Health

Red Meat Limit Your Protein Intake for Optimal Kidney Health

Consuming large amounts of red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, can exacerbate kidney disease. This is because excessive protein intake can strain the kidneys and lead to a buildup of waste products in the blood.

To minimize the impact on your kidneys, it’s essential to limit your consumption of red meat and opt for lean proteins instead. Options such as chicken, turkey, and fish are lower in saturated fat and can provide essential nutrients without overtaxing the kidneys.

Additionally, plant-based protein sources, such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, can provide essential amino acids without the added strain on kidney function. By diversifying your protein sources and consuming moderate amounts, you can maintain a balanced diet while supporting kidney health. (2)

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