5. Kidney Beans: The Irony in the Fight Against Kidney Stones

Kidney beans, despite their ironic name, can be a beneficial food for those looking to prevent kidney stones. These legumes offer a host of nutrients that can support kidney health and deter stone formation.
Kidney beans are high in dietary fiber, which has been associated with a lower risk of kidney stones. The fiber can help regulate blood sugar levels, decrease cholesterol, and support overall kidney health by maintaining a healthy digestive system.
In addition, these beans are rich in magnesium, a mineral that can play a significant role in preventing kidney stones. Magnesium can help inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate crystals, one of the primary constituents of kidney stones.
These beans also provide a decent amount of plant-based protein. Switching some of your animal protein intake with plant-based sources can potentially reduce the risk of kidney stones, making kidney beans an excellent option for those trying to prevent these conditions. (5)