4. Consume Calcium-Rich Foods

Contrary to popular belief, consuming adequate amounts of calcium can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Low calcium intake can cause your body to release more oxalate, a substance that contributes to stone formation. By consuming enough calcium, you can bind oxalate in your gut and reduce its absorption, ultimately decreasing your risk of kidney stones.
Aim to get your calcium from dietary sources like dairy products, leafy green vegetables, almonds, and fortified foods. If you’re unable to meet your daily calcium requirements through food alone, consider speaking with your healthcare provider about adding a calcium supplement to your routine. It’s essential to consult your doctor before starting any supplementation, as excessive calcium intake can also contribute to kidney stones in some individuals.
Keep in mind that the recommended daily calcium intake varies depending on your age and sex. For most adults, the daily recommendation ranges from 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams. Make sure you’re meeting these guidelines to promote optimal kidney health and reduce your risk of stone formation. (5)