Top 10 Symptoms of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) You Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 3: Changes in Urination

Changes in Urination

As ESRD progresses, patients may experience changes in their urination patterns. These changes can range from an increased need to urinate frequently to a reduced amount of urine production. In some cases, patients may also notice that their urine appears darker, foamy, or bloody.

The changes in urination can be attributed to the declining function of the kidneys, which are responsible for producing urine to eliminate waste products and excess fluid from the body. As kidney function deteriorates, they struggle to filter waste products effectively, leading to changes in urine output and appearance.

Monitoring and reporting any changes in urination to your healthcare provider can be critical in identifying and addressing kidney issues early. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend treatments such as medications, dialysis, or even a kidney transplant. (3)

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