Know Your PAN: Deciphering the Top 10 Symptoms of Polyarteritis Nodosa

10. Kidney Issues: PAN’s Silent Organ Strain

Kidney Issues PAN's Silent Organ Strain

Kidneys, the body’s natural filtration system, don’t remain untouched by PAN. When PAN strikes, it can compromise the delicate network of blood vessels in the kidneys. This can lead to reduced kidney function, a critical concern given the kidneys’ role in filtering waste products from the blood.

Early kidney involvement might not present obvious symptoms. However, as PAN progresses, signs like frothy urine (due to protein leakage) or swelling in the legs (due to fluid buildup) might emerge. These symptoms hint at the kidneys’ reduced filtering capability.

The cause behind this is straightforward but concerning. PAN-induced inflammation of the renal arteries can decrease blood flow to the kidneys. Over time, reduced blood flow can damage the kidney tissues, leading to decreased function. (10)

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