5. Skin Lesions: PAN’s Visible Marker

Skin lesions in the context of PAN are not your typical skin issues. They’re manifestations of an internal problem, making them unique and, at times, concerning. These lesions can range from small, pinpoint red spots known as petechiae to larger, more noticeable nodules or ulcers.
What’s intriguing is the variety in these skin manifestations. Depending on the severity of PAN and the extent of blood vessel involvement, the lesions can vary in size, appearance, and location. While some may be superficial, others can be painful and deeper, indicating more severe vessel involvement.
These skin changes are the body’s way of showing that there’s internal inflammation. When blood vessels under the skin get inflamed due to PAN, they can leak, leading to these visible marks. The lesions are not just cosmetic concerns; they’re windows into the internal workings of the body.
One of the defining characteristics of PAN-related skin lesions is their persistence. Unlike regular bruises or marks that fade away, these can linger, often changing in appearance over time. They can also be accompanied by a warm sensation or tenderness upon touch.(5)