10. Immune System Aberrations: The Guard Turned Aggressor in Lichen Planus

The immune system, often likened to the body’s personal army, is known for its vigilant defense against foreign invaders. However, in certain circumstances, this very protector can turn on the body it’s designed to guard.
Autoimmunity, a term not unfamiliar to many, is when the immune system mistakenly identifies the body’s cells as a threat. This confusion can result in a barrage of attacks, where the body wages a war against itself.
Enter LP. An autoimmune element is believed to play a role in its manifestation. While the skin is the evident battlefield with its visible rashes and lesions, the real conflict brews beneath the surface. Lichen Planus isn’t just a skin deep condition; it’s a mirror into deeper immune dysfunction.
Theories postulate that certain proteins in the skin or mucous membranes might be mistaken for foreign entities. These are then targeted, resulting in the characteristic rash of LP. Such immune reactions can be triggered by varied factors, further complicating the investigative landscape.(10)