6. Trauma: Physical Damage as a Precursor to Lichen Planus

Physical trauma, often overlooked, holds significant relevance in the onset of LP. It’s a stark reminder that sometimes, our body’s response to injury might not be as straightforward as we anticipate.
When the skin or mucous membranes experience trauma, a host of internal processes kick into action. There’s inflammation, cellular repair, and a flurry of biochemical reactions. Now, for most people, this leads to healing. But for a select few, this physical insult might be the very thing triggering LP.
What’s particularly intriguing is the idea of the ‘Koebner Phenomenon.’ Certain skin conditions, including LP, can appear on areas of the skin that have been injured. It could be something as simple as a scratch or as significant as a surgical wound.
Why this happens isn’t crystal clear. However, some believe that the injury might expose certain skin components to the immune system. This exposure could cause the body to misidentify them as threats, leading to an autoimmune response characteristic of LP. (6)