9. Hormonal Changes: The Tidal Waves Influencing Lichen Planus

The ebb and flow of hormones within our body play a role in myriad functions. From mood regulation to metabolic processes, they’re the unsung conductors of the physiological orchestra. And in some cases, they might influence the onset of LP.
Research has indicated that women, especially those undergoing hormonal changes like menopause or pregnancy, might experience an increased risk of LP. It showcases the profound impact our internal chemistry can have on our skin.
The exact mechanism remains elusive. However, it’s believed that hormonal fluctuations might affect the immune system’s functioning, possibly making it more prone to conditions like LP.
But hormones aren’t solely about gender. There are instances where individuals undergoing hormone therapy or even those with certain endocrine disorders might see an increased LP risk. It’s a testament to how interconnected our body systems are.
The dance of hormones within our system is intricate, influencing countless processes. Their potential link with LP is a reminder of their sway, their ability to change the narrative of our skin health subtly yet significantly. (9)