9. Muscular Strains: The Physiological Struggles and Lifespan Determinants

Musculoskeletal manifestations in Sjögren’s syndrome can often be overshadowed by the more “prominent” symptoms. But they hold significance, especially when we discuss life expectancy.
The persistent joint pain, termed arthralgia, affects a significant portion of Sjögren’s patients. While this pain doesn’t lead to joint damage, the constant discomfort can be debilitating. Reduced mobility can lead to a cascade of health challenges, from weight gain to cardiovascular issues, all influencing longevity.
In some cases, the syndrome escalates to arthritis, leading to inflammation in the joints. Unlike the pain, this inflammation can cause damage over time. The resulting reduced mobility can further limit daily activities, making even simple tasks daunting.
Muscle pain, or myalgia, is another symptom that shouldn’t be overlooked. This constant pain can hinder physical activity, leading to muscle atrophy and overall physical deconditioning. The decline in physical health is a silent influencer of life expectancy.
On the brighter side, modern therapeutic practices offer hope. Physical therapy, coupled with certain medications, can alleviate these muscular challenges. Staying active and engaged, even with the pain, can promote longevity and a better quality of life for individuals grappling with these muscular strains. (9)