Ludwig’s Angina 101: Decoding its 10 Major Symptoms

10. Unexpected Fatigue: The Invisible Burden

Unexpected Fatigue The Invisible Burden

Let’s consider the concept of fatigue. You might think it’s nothing more than a sign you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. But when it accompanies Ludwig’s Angina, fatigue isn’t just a matter of “feeling tired.” It’s an invisible burden, sapping your strength and resilience, making even simple tasks seem insurmountable.

Most of us don’t appreciate how hard the body works to fight off infection until we’re brought down by overwhelming fatigue. With Ludwig’s Angina, your immune system is engaged in a high-stakes, all-out battle against bacterial invasion. This consumes a lot of your biological resources, leaving you feeling exhausted even if you haven’t exerted yourself.

Think about how hard it is to focus or make decisions when you’re fatigued. Now picture doing so while managing severe pain, difficulty breathing, and other symptoms of Ludwig’s Angina. Fatigue isn’t just “another symptom.” It’s a force multiplier that makes every other symptom harder to cope with and exacerbates your overall condition. (10)

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