Borderline Personality Disorder in Children: Top 10 Facts for Parents and Educators

7. The Distortion of Self-Image: When the Mirror Lies

The Distortion of Self-Image When the Mirror Lies

In the minds of children with BPD, self-image is like a funhouse mirror—never a true reflection but a distorted view that changes with their emotional state. Now, we’re not talking about vanity or self-esteem here. We’re diving deep into the murky waters of self-perception and identity.

Take the concept of identity itself. For most kids, there’s a general sense of who they are—a student, a sibling, a friend. For kids with BPD, their self-image is fluid, ever-changing based on external validations and perceived failures. One moment they may feel invincible, and the next, utterly worthless.

Contrary to what you might think, this isn’t about seeking attention or pity. This distortion often creates genuine confusion in the child’s mind, blurring the line between reality and perception. You might even say their self-image is constantly being sketched and erased, like an artist who can never quite capture the essence of their subject. (7)

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