9. The Importance of Fairness: An Intrinsic Drive for Justice

For many individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, a strong sense of fairness and justice is not just a societal construct but an intrinsic part of their identity. This heightened moral code often leads them to be natural advocates for themselves and others, sometimes to a degree that others find surprising or even discomforting.
This inherent need for fairness often begins in childhood. You’ll find these children questioning parental decisions that seem unjust or rules that appear arbitrary. It’s not about being defiant but about understanding the ethical reasoning behind actions. If they find that reasoning lacking, they can become deeply unsettled.
This isn’t limited to just personal interactions or situations that directly affect them. The global issues of climate change, social inequality, or animal rights can also weigh heavily on their minds. These aren’t casual concerns but matters that provoke deep thought and, at times, emotional unrest. They’ll often engage in these topics with a level of seriousness that might seem disproportionate to their age or life experience.(9)