The Female Face of Asperger’s Syndrome: 10 Must-Know Facts

6. Sensory Sensitivities: Navigating a World dialed up to Eleven

Sensory Sensitivities Navigating a World dialed up to Eleven

Imagine living in a world where lights are too bright, sounds too loud, and even the slightest touch can be overwhelming. For many women with Asperger’s, this is their daily reality. Their sensory filters don’t function like most people’s, making ordinary experiences a sensory assault.

This sensory overload can manifest in various ways. A simple trip to the grocery store with its glaring lights and beeping cash registers can be an ordeal. Some women develop coping mechanisms like wearing sunglasses indoors or noise-canceling headphones to dampen the sensory input.

Of course, not all sensory experiences are distressing. Many women with Asperger’s report heightened pleasure from certain textures, tastes, or sounds. This duality—the pain and the pleasure of heightened sensory sensitivity—adds another layer of complexity to their experience.(6)

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