Monoclonal Gammopathy in the Spotlight: 10 Symptoms to Heed

Symptom 2. Fatigue: The Stealthy Thief of Energy

Fatigue The Stealthy Thief of Energy

Fatigue in the context of monoclonal gammopathy is not merely feeling a bit tired. It’s a profound exhaustion that doesn’t seem to abate, even after a full night’s sleep. This kind of fatigue drags one down, making even the simplest tasks feel like mountainous challenges.

This weariness might stem from the body’s constant battle against the abnormal proliferation of plasma cells. It’s an insidious kind of tiredness, one that seeps into daily life, affecting productivity, mood, and general well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t the type of fatigue that can be shaken off with a strong cup of coffee or a short nap. It lingers, casting a shadow over daily activities and interactions. People often describe it as feeling like they’re moving through molasses, with every action requiring extra effort.

Interestingly, this fatigue can also have mental repercussions. Concentration wanes, focus becomes elusive, and there’s a general sense of being “out of it.” It’s a comprehensive experience that touches every aspect of life, making routine tasks feel like Herculean efforts. (2)

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