Monoclonal Gammopathy in the Spotlight: 10 Symptoms to Heed

Symptom 5. Recurring Infections: The Body’s Unending Battles

Recurring Infections The Body's Unending Battles

With monoclonal gammopathy, the body can become a battleground, with recurring infections becoming a common theme. It isn’t about the occasional cold or flu, but rather frequent infections that seem to take longer to heal.

This increased susceptibility is linked to the abnormal plasma cells which can crowd out the healthy ones. These healthy cells are typically at the forefront of fighting off infections. With their reduced numbers, the body’s defenses weaken, making it more vulnerable to various pathogens.

Interestingly, these infections aren’t limited to one type. They can manifest as respiratory issues, urinary tract infections, or even skin infections. The variety can be vast, and the recurrence can be frustratingly frequent.

Another intriguing facet is the duration of these infections. What might take someone else a week to recover from could take much longer for someone with monoclonal gammopathy. The extended healing time, combined with the increased frequency, can impact quality of life.(5)

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