Monoclonal Gammopathy in the Spotlight: 10 Symptoms to Heed

Symptom 7. Weight Loss: The Unintended Shedding

Weight Loss The Unintended Shedding

Weight loss, when intended, can be a cause for celebration. But what happens when the pounds drop off without any effort, or even against one’s wishes? In the context of monoclonal gammopathy, unintentional weight loss emerges as a sign, a silent testament to the internal changes.

It starts subtly. Clothes fit a bit looser, belts need tightening, and there’s a general lightness. At first, many attribute it to stress or increased activity. But as days turn to weeks, the realization dawns; this isn’t normal.

The body, in its struggle against abnormal plasma cells, might use up more energy. This increased energy expenditure, combined with potential appetite loss, can lead to weight reduction. And while it might sound appealing, in this scenario, it’s a cause for concern.

Interestingly, the weight loss might not be uniform. Some might lose more from their limbs, while others see a reduction in their torso. It’s an unpredictable journey, one that takes even the individual undergoing it by surprise. (7)

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