Mouth Ulcer Symptoms: 10 Telltale Signs You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 3: Round Sores with a Red Edge and White, Grey or Yellow Center

Round Sores with a Red Edge and White, Grey or Yellow Center

The physical manifestation of a mouth ulcer is distinct and easily recognizable once you know what to look for. Typically, these ulcers present themselves as round or oval-shaped sores. Their edges are usually a vivid red, almost as if outlining the affected area.

The center of these ulcers, often the epicenter of the pain, varies in color. It can be white, grey, or even yellow. This variance often depends on the severity of the ulcer and the stage of its development. Early-stage ulcers might have a lighter, almost whitish center which might darken or turn yellow as they progress.

Such a clear demarcation, while painful, is beneficial in one aspect. It provides a clear visual indication of the problem, eliminating any ambiguity. So, if you ever spot such a uniquely colored and shaped sore inside your mouth, it’s a strong indication of a mouth ulcer. (3)

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