Navigating Life with Common Variable Immune Deficiency: Recognizing the 10 Key Symptoms and Beyond

6. Respiratory Infections: The Relentless Assault on the Lungs

Respiratory Infections The Relentless Assault on the Lungs

In people with CVID, respiratory infections are a recurrent and formidable adversary. From frequent bouts of pneumonia to chronic sinusitis, the lungs and airways are under constant assault. For someone with CVID, a simple cold can quickly escalate into a severe respiratory infection, making vigilant self-monitoring and timely medical attention essential.

This is not merely a seasonal inconvenience; these infections can lead to chronic lung disease over time. The scarring and damage that repeated infections inflict on the lungs can result in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or bronchiectasis. Each new infection carries the risk of further damaging the delicate tissues of the respiratory system.

Management of these respiratory issues requires a multi-pronged approach. Prophylactic antibiotics, aimed at preventing infections, are often a mainstay of treatment.

Regular immunoglobulin therapy, aimed at boosting the body’s immune response, is also key. Pulmonologists, specialists in lung health, are integral members of the healthcare team for people living with CVID.

For patients, lifestyle adaptations—such as avoiding smoking and excessive exposure to irritants, using air purifiers, and practicing good respiratory hygiene—are crucial. Vaccinations, as recommended by healthcare professionals, can help to provide an additional layer of protection against some respiratory pathogens. (6)

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