4. Fatigue: The Invisible Ink of FRDA

Fatigue, a feeling of persistent tiredness or exhaustion, is another common symptom experienced by individuals with Friedreich’s ataxia. This symptom might not be as noticeable as gait disturbance or incoordination, but it’s just as impactful, if not more so, on an individual’s daily life.
Fatigue in FRDA isn’t just about feeling “sleepy” or “tired.” It’s a kind of exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest or sleep. This symptom is often described as a constant feeling of running on empty, with even simple tasks feeling overwhelmingly difficult.
But why does FRDA cause fatigue? It all comes down to the effects of the disease on the heart and muscles. FRDA often causes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition where the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. Additionally, the disease also leads to muscle weakness, which means that the body has to work harder to perform even simple tasks, leading to fatigue.(4)