6. Impaired Sense of Vibration and Position: The Disoriented Dance of FRDA

Imagine not being able to sense the position of your body parts or perceive vibrations accurately. This might seem far-fetched, but for individuals with Friedreich’s ataxia, it is an everyday reality. Impaired sense of vibration and position is a common symptom of FRDA, further emphasizing the wide-reaching impact of this condition on the nervous system.
The sense of vibration and position, collectively termed as proprioception, is our body’s way of perceiving its position in space. This feedback system is critical for the smooth execution of coordinated movements.
In Friedreich’s ataxia, the sensory nerve cells responsible for transmitting these sensations are damaged, leading to an impaired sense of vibration and position. This, in turn, exacerbates the gait disturbance and incoordination symptoms, making it harder for those affected to carry out routine tasks. (6)