4. Jaundice: The Golden Tint

Jaundice, characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes, is not uncommon in newborns. However, when observed alongside other symptoms of NEC, it assumes a deeper significance, shedding light on the liver’s functioning and bile flow.
Jaundice stems from bilirubin, a yellow compound resulting from the breakdown of red blood cells. Under normal circumstances, the liver filters bilirubin, ensuring its smooth excretion. However, in the realm of NEC, this process can get interrupted.
One might wonder about the connection between NEC and jaundice. The link is riveting. NEC-related inflammation can lead to a sluggish bile flow. Like a stream hindered by debris, bilirubin accumulates, resulting in the characteristic yellow hue.
But the intrigue doesn’t stop here. The intensity of the yellowing, its progression, and the accompanying symptoms like dark urine and pale stools paint a vivid picture. They collectively depict the liver’s struggle amidst the NEC chaos. (4)