Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Deep Dive

Fact 14: The Recovery Timeline

The Recovery Timeline

Recovery from Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is often a gradual process. It typically begins with the resolution of acute symptoms, followed by a period of gradual recovery of physical strength and function. The timeline can vary significantly among individuals, with some patients recovering fully within weeks, while others may take months.

With prompt and appropriate treatment, acute symptoms of NMS generally start to resolve within one to two weeks. This includes symptoms such as hyperthermia, autonomic dysregulation, and altered mental status. However, it’s important to note that the resolution of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily signal complete recovery.

Following the resolution of acute symptoms, patients typically go through a period of gradual recovery. This can involve regaining physical strength, improving mobility, and addressing any residual symptoms or complications. This phase of recovery can take weeks to months, depending on the severity of the initial NMS episode and the patient’s overall health.

Even after the resolution of acute symptoms, ongoing monitoring and care are essential. This is to ensure the continued recovery of the patient, manage any lingering complications, and prevent the recurrence of NMS. (14)

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