Nocturnal Enuresis: The Top 10 Causes You Should Know

Cause 8: Medical Conditions

Medical Conditions

In some cases, nocturnal enuresis isn’t just about the commonly cited triggers but may point to a more pressing medical condition. While these instances are rarer, understanding and identifying them is crucial for the child’s overall well-being.

Specific medical conditions can predispose children to bedwetting. Conditions like type 1 diabetes can increase urine production, leading to nighttime accidents. Similarly, conditions affecting the nervous system or spinal cord may disrupt the signals sent to the bladder, causing involuntary urination.

It’s not always evident that a more significant medical condition is at play. However, other symptoms often accompany the bedwetting episodes in these cases. For instance, a child with diabetes may also exhibit increased thirst, weight loss, and fatigue. Recognizing these concomitant symptoms can aid in a timely diagnosis. (8)

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