Symptom 5. Abdominal Pain or Swelling: The Quiet Tumult Within

The abdomen, a hub of various organs, can become the epicenter of discomfort in NHL. Swelling or pain, often vague and easy to dismiss, is a manifestation of how NHL affects this region.
Lymph nodes, present even in the abdomen, can swell due to NHL. Their enlargement might press against neighboring organs or tissues, leading to discomfort. It’s a silent crescendo, where the discomfort intensifies as the nodes expand.
Additionally, the spleen, an organ involved in the immune response, might enlarge in NHL. Known as splenomegaly, this condition leads to a feeling of fullness, even after consuming a small meal. The spleen’s swelling is an echo of the body’s attempt to filter out the abnormal cells.
Digestive disturbances might also manifest. There can be bouts of diarrhea or constipation, or even a change in bowel habits. It’s the body’s way of signaling that all isn’t well in this core region. (5)