Symptom 7. Persistent Itchiness: The Underlying Irritation

With NHL, even the skin, our protective barrier, isn’t immune. A persistent itch, often without a visible rash, becomes an unsettling reminder of the turmoil beneath. It’s not the occasional itch we all feel; it’s constant, nagging, demanding attention.
Delving deeper, this isn’t your garden-variety itch. It’s derived from cytokines, substances released by the cancer cells. These tiny molecules cause an inflammatory response in the skin, leading to the irresistible urge to scratch. It’s a microscopic war, with visible fallout.
But, there’s a peculiar trait to this itching. It’s profound, often felt deeper than the skin’s surface. Creams, lotions, even cold showers, provide fleeting relief. Nights become restless, with the itch intensifying in the quiet darkness.
As days roll into weeks, the mental toll mounts. Sleep disruption, skin damage from constant scratching, and a looming sense of frustration become daily companions. Social interactions suffer; after all, how does one explain a relentless itch with no evident cause? (7)