Nummular Eczema: Understanding the 10 Most Common Symptoms

Symptom 4: Skin Discoloration

Skin Discoloration

As nummular eczema progresses, it can lead to skin discoloration in the affected areas. The lesions may appear red, pink, or brown, depending on your skin tone and the severity of the inflammation. In some cases, the skin may become darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) after the lesions have healed, resulting in long-lasting discoloration.

The discoloration can be a source of emotional distress for some individuals, particularly if it’s visible and difficult to conceal. While treating the underlying eczema is the primary focus, there are steps you can take to manage and minimize skin discoloration. Sun protection is crucial, as sun exposure can exacerbate discoloration and make it more noticeable. Be sure to wear sunscreen with a high SPF, and avoid direct sun exposure when possible.

In some cases, dermatologists may recommend topical treatments or procedures to help improve the appearance of skin discoloration. These options should be discussed with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate course of action based on your specific situation. (4)

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