Symptom 10. A Persistent Cough: The Respiratory Echo of Hodgkin Lymphoma

A cough is usually dismissed as a trivial ailment, often attributed to a cold or allergies. However, in the context of Hodgkin Lymphoma, a persistent cough can be a vocal indicator of something amiss.
With affected lymph nodes swelling in the chest, they can press against the windpipe or trachea. This pressure leads to irritation, manifesting as a persistent cough. There’s no accompanying cold or runny nose, just an unyielding cough.
Peeling back the layers, it’s not just the physical pressure. The malignant cells release chemicals that irritate the respiratory lining, adding to the cough’s persistence. Each cough is like a muted cry, a plea for attention from the lungs.
In the orchestra of symptoms, a persistent cough might not seem like the loudest instrument. Yet, it carries a tune, a resonance that speaks of the disturbances lurking beneath the surface. (10)