From Throbbing to Tenderness: The Mystery of New Daily Persistent Headaches

Symptom 9: Sensory Overload: Heightened Sensitivity to External Stimuli

Sensory Overload Heightened Sensitivity to External Stimuli

Beyond the internal turmoil of NDPH lies a heightened sensitivity to the external world. Lights seem brighter, sounds sharper, and even mild scents can be overpowering. It’s as if the world has turned up its volume, and there’s no mute button.

Imagine wearing glasses that magnify everything. The world is not just in HD, but in extreme close-up. This heightened sensitivity can make everyday environments, like a busy street or a bustling office, feel overwhelming.

This isn’t about being finicky. It’s the brain’s reaction to persistent pain. Already burdened with managing the headache, it becomes less tolerant of additional stimuli. The protective barriers that usually filter external distractions are weakened.

For someone with NDPH, this can mean altering daily routines. Brightly lit rooms or noisy cafes might need to be avoided. But it’s not about living in fear. It’s about understanding these sensitivities and adapting to them, forging a new normal in the cacophony of life. (9)

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