Top 10 First Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Recognizing the Early Signs

Symptom 5. Joint Warmth: A Telltale Sign of Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Joint Warmth A Telltale Sign of Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Joint warmth is another symptom that is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. As inflammation sets in, it increases blood flow to the affected joints, causing them to feel warm to the touch. This heat is a direct reflection of the inflammatory process occurring within the joint tissues.

Unlike the more overt symptoms of RA, such as joint pain and swelling, joint warmth can be subtle. You might not notice it unless you compare the temperature of the affected joint with a non-affected one. However, despite its subtlety, joint warmth is a critical clue that can aid in the early detection of RA.

Importantly, joint warmth in RA is not usually associated with redness, unlike in other forms of arthritis. The skin over the affected joint may appear completely normal, further contributing to this symptom’s sneakiness.

Moreover, joint warmth can provide insight into disease activity in RA. During flares, when the disease is more active, the joints may feel warmer than usual. On the other hand, during periods of remission, the joint temperature may normalize. Tracking changes in joint warmth can, therefore, offer valuable feedback on the effectiveness of RA management strategies.

Finally, joint warmth, like fatigue, underscores the systemic nature of rheumatoid arthritis. It is a symptom that reaches beyond the joint, impacting the body’s overall temperature regulation. This interconnectedness of symptoms is a testament to the complexity of RA and the need for its comprehensive management. (5)

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