9. Chronic Cough or Throat Clearing: The Oft-Overlooked Signs

A chronic cough or persistent throat clearing may not seem like a symptom of parotitis at first. However, when these glands malfunction, it can affect the throat area, leading to these persistent and annoying symptoms. It’s one of those signs that are easy to attribute to other causes, like a common cold or allergies, making it harder to diagnose.
The cough is usually dry and doesn’t produce mucus, distinguishing it from a regular cold-induced cough. It’s like a tickle that just won’t go away, becoming a constant background noise in the child’s life. This can be particularly irritating during quiet times, such as when they’re trying to concentrate in class or falling asleep.
Throat clearing, on the other hand, can manifest as a compulsive behavior. The child might find themselves continuously needing to clear their throat, even if there’s no apparent reason for it. It becomes a habit, something they do without even realizing it, yet it can be disruptive in social situations and stressful environments like school exams.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this symptom is its unpredictable frequency. Some days, the child might barely notice it, while on other days, it can be almost constant. This inconsistency makes it a symptom that’s often not taken as seriously as it should be, despite its potential to interfere significantly with the child’s daily life. (9)