9. High-Fat Foods: A Slippery Slope to Indigestion

There’s an undeniable decadence in indulging in high-fat foods, be it creamy pastas, rich pastries, or deep-fried delights. Yet, these culinary indulgences can sometimes come at a cost to our digestive health.
Fatty foods are processed differently in our system. They tend to stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates or proteins. This prolonged retention can lead to increased stomach acid production, which can then reflux into the esophagus, causing heartburn, a common indigestion symptom.
Interestingly, it’s not just about the type of fat but also its source. Trans fats and saturated fats, often found in processed foods and certain meats, can be more challenging to digest than healthier fats like omega-3s or monounsaturated fats. (9)