2. Maintain a Clean Living Environment: A Fundamental Aspect of Asthma Prevention

A clean living environment is essential in reducing the risk of asthma attacks. Regularly clean and vacuum your home to minimize dust and allergens. Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to remove airborne particles and maintain proper humidity levels to discourage mold growth. Implementing these practices can significantly reduce the number of allergens in your home and help prevent asthma flare-ups.
In addition to regular cleaning, consider using allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers to protect against dust mites. Wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week and dry it on high heat to kill dust mites and remove allergens. Regularly clean curtains, carpets, and upholstered furniture, as they can also harbor allergens. If possible, replace carpets with hard flooring, which is easier to keep clean and allergen-free.
Ventilation is another essential factor in maintaining a clean living environment. Ensure that your home has adequate ventilation, particularly in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Use exhaust fans to remove moisture and improve air circulation. This will help prevent mold growth and reduce the presence of airborne allergens. (2)