Progressive Bulbar Palsy: Getting Familiar with the Ten Key Symptoms

Symptom 7. Hoarseness: A Voice that Echoes Change

Hoarseness A Voice that Echoes Change

PBP can also cast its shadows on one’s voice, leading to hoarseness. This symptom is an alteration in pitch or volume, creating a raspy or strained vocal output. It’s like an uninvited guest, making its presence known through the subtle but significant changes in one’s voice.

Hoarseness in PBP occurs due to the weakening of the throat muscles responsible for controlling the vocal cords. It’s like a piano with uncooperative strings, playing out a melody that doesn’t quite hit the right notes. The change in voice is a clear marker of the internal struggle with PBP.

One’s voice is often seen as a reflection of identity, a unique signature. When PBP causes that voice to change, it can lead to a sense of loss or alteration of self. Yet, it can also become a testament to the changes the person is courageously navigating.

Despite the emotional upheaval, those living with PBP continue to find ways to express themselves. They might explore voice therapies or rely on written communication to keep their conversations going. It’s a testament to their resilience and an affirmation of their determination to maintain their social connections.(7)

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