Recognize Esophagitis: 10 Unmissable Symptoms

9. Belching: The Involuntary Outburst

Belching The Involuntary Outburst

We all belch; it’s a normal bodily function. But when belching becomes more frequent and you’re also experiencing other esophagitis symptoms, it might not just be that fizzy drink you had.

The esophagus is the pathway food takes from your mouth to your stomach. When it’s inflamed, this route is not as efficient, leading to a build-up of air. Your body, keen on maintaining equilibrium, tries to release this air, resulting in belching. It’s like letting out a bit of steam from an over-pressurized container.

Here’s the fascinating bit: the belching could be “wet” or “dry.” In the case of “wet belching,” a bit of liquid or food might make a comeback, offering a not-so-pleasant taste reminder. Dry belching, on the other hand, is air alone—no encores.(9)

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