Recognizing Celiac Disease in Children: 10 Key Symptoms to Watch Out For

Symptom 9: Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines

Every child might complain of a headache now and then, perhaps due to a long day, dehydration, or not wearing their glasses. However, recurrent, severe headaches or migraines can be a prominent symptom for children with celiac disease.

The connection between the gut and brain is well-established. In celiac disease, when gluten consumption triggers an immune response, it can lead to inflammation that, in some cases, affects the nervous system. This inflammation can manifest as severe headaches or migraines.

Migraines are not just intense headaches. They can come with a host of other symptoms, including sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, and even visual disturbances. In children, these can be particularly distressing and debilitating. (9)

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