Recognizing Pemphigus: A Closer Look at the Top 10 Symptoms

5. Fever and Chills: Pemphigus’s Thermal Fluctuations

Fever and Chills Pemphigus's Thermal Fluctuations

While skin symptoms dominate the pemphigus narrative, systemic signs like fever and chills can’t be ignored. Some patients report episodes of unexplained fever, possibly indicating the body’s response to widespread inflammation.

Digging deeper, the body’s thermostat, the hypothalamus, can get influenced by inflammatory molecules. These messengers can reset the body’s temperature, leading to fever.

Interestingly, this isn’t just a simple rise in temperature. Accompanying chills can leave a person oscillating between feeling too hot and too cold, making even ambient room temperatures uncomfortable.

For the uninitiated, such symptoms can be baffling. Fever and chills seem far removed from a skin condition, illustrating the intricate tapestry of connections in human physiology. (5)

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