7. Nail Anomalies: Pemphigus’s Fingerprint on the Tips

Beyond the layers of skin, pemphigus leaves its mark even on nails. It’s surprising to many that this disease can manifest in the keratin-rich nails, yet for those affected, it’s a reality they live with. Nails might exhibit ridges, discoloration, or even detachment from the nail bed, known as onycholysis.
A closer observation might reveal the nails thickening or becoming brittle. This isn’t just a cosmetic concern; it’s a testament to the disease’s pervasive reach. Pemphigus doesn’t discriminate; it affects structures far and wide within the body.
This symptom brings to light an overlooked aspect of our anatomy: the nail matrix. Hidden beneath the cuticle, this matrix is where nail cells proliferate. In the chaos of pemphigus, this matrix might get inflamed, disrupting nail growth and leading to the aforementioned anomalies.
The story of pemphigus in nails underscores the disease’s unpredictable nature. What seems like a mere surface-level disorder has the ability to penetrate deeper, leaving no stone unturned, not even the hardy nails. (7)