Recognizing Peritonitis: 10 Critical Symptoms You Need to Know

2. Abdominal Distension or Bloating: More Than Just a Full Stomach

Abdominal Distension or Bloating More Than Just a Full Stomach

Peritonitis often brings with it a noticeable change in the abdomen’s appearance, causing it to swell and become distended. This is not your typical bloating after a large meal; this is a pronounced, often uncomfortable swelling. The abdomen feels tight and stretched, as if it is filled to capacity, creating a sensation of fullness regardless of how much you’ve eaten.

This bloating is more than just an aesthetic change. It has physical repercussions, impacting how you move and even how you breathe.

As the abdomen swells, it puts pressure on the diaphragm, making each breath feel more laborious and strained. It’s a physical manifestation of the turmoil occurring within, a visible sign that all is not well in the abdominal cavity.

The distension is accompanied by a sense of heaviness and discomfort. It’s as if the abdomen is weighed down, adding to the overall feeling of malaise. This symptom is insidious, creeping up and intensifying as the condition progresses, and it serves as a tangible reminder of the need for medical intervention.

If you notice your abdomen swelling, especially if it’s accompanied by severe pain and tenderness, do not ignore it. This is your body signaling that something is wrong, that the peritoneum is inflamed and in distress.

Heed this signal and seek medical attention right away. The distension is a symptom that is hard to overlook, and addressing it promptly is crucial in the battle against peritonitis. (2)

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