Recognizing Peritonitis: 10 Critical Symptoms You Need to Know

3. High Fever and Chills: The Body’s Fiery Response

High Fever and Chills The Body’s Fiery Response

Peritonitis often triggers a systemic response within the body, leading to a high fever and chills. The fever is the body’s way of fighting back, attempting to create an inhospitable environment for the infection at the heart of the inflammation. It’s a full-blown battle occurring within, and the fever is a clear indicator of the severity of the situation.

The high temperature is often accompanied by chills and shaking, creating a juxtaposition of hot and cold that leaves you feeling miserable. It’s a fever that doesn’t easily break, persisting and adding to the overall sense of illness. This is not a mild temperature increase; it’s a significant spike, serving as a red flag that something is seriously amiss.

The chills add an additional layer of discomfort, leaving you shivering and searching for warmth even as your body burns with fever. It’s a harsh reminder of the internal battle occurring, a physical manifestation of the infection and inflammation ravaging the peritoneum.

This combination of fever and chills is a clear call to action. It’s the body sounding the alarm, urging you to seek medical help.

Do not ignore this symptom or dismiss it as a simple flu. The high fever and chills are indicative of peritonitis, and addressing them quickly is crucial. Seek medical attention immediately, and take this symptom as the serious warning that it is. (3)

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