Recognizing the 10 Indicators of Lewy Body Dementia (DLB)

Indicator 4: Sleep Disturbances

Sleep Disturbances

DLB can significantly affect a person’s sleep patterns. One of the most distinctive sleep disturbances in DLB is a condition called REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). During the REM stage of sleep, where most dreaming occurs, our bodies usually stay immobile. This immobility prevents us from acting out our dreams. However, people with RBD lack this muscle atonia, leading them to physically act out vivid, often distressing dreams.

It’s worth noting that RBD can predate other DLB symptoms by several years. So, if a person has been diagnosed with RBD, they may be at a higher risk of developing DLB or a related disorder in the future.

Sleep disturbances like RBD can profoundly impact the individual’s health and quality of life. Poor sleep can exacerbate cognitive and motor symptoms and increase the risk of other health issues like cardiovascular disease and depression. (4)

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