7. Sweating – An Overlooked Warning

Another symptom that can signify heart disease in women is unexplained or excessive sweating. This symptom can often be mistaken for menopausal hot flashes or attributed to the environment or physical exertion. However, sudden sweating or cold sweats without a clear reason can be a sign of heart disease.
It’s important to note that this kind of sweating often feels more like a cold, clammy sweat than perspiration from exercise or heat. It might occur without any exertion and irrespective of the temperature. Some women have described it as breaking out in a ‘cold sweat,’ a familiar symptom often associated with men but is equally relevant for women.
If you’ve noticed sudden, unexplained sweating, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as chest discomfort or shortness of breath, it’s vital to get it evaluated. Unexplained sweating can be a silent signal of heart disease and should not be ignored. (7)