7. Fatigue and Weakness: RMS’s Energy Crisis
Fatigue is more than just feeling tired. It’s a deep-seated weariness that doesn’t dissipate with rest. In the context of RMS, this isn’t your usual end-of-day exhaustion; it’s a testament to the body’s inner turmoil.
RMS’s journey is energy-intensive. Like all tumors, RMS cells consume resources, diverting them from their regular duties. However, the effects aren’t limited to the tumor site. The entire body can feel the strain, leading to a generalized sense of fatigue.
The story unfolds further. Blood plays a pivotal role in transporting oxygen and nutrients. RMS tumors can hinder this process. They might press against blood vessels or even infiltrate the bone marrow, impacting blood cell production. This disruption can manifest as fatigue, a sign of the body’s compromised efficiency.
But there’s another layer to this narrative. Muscle weakness can accompany the fatigue. Given RMS’s muscular origins, this isn’t surprising. The affected muscles might lose their strength, making daily activities challenging. (7)